S0phie's Choice Design

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Fashion Fest July 2-11

As a new designer, this is THE way to be seen by the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time! This is the THIRD ANNUAL fashion expo produced by the same group as the last two years and hosted on nine sims. I would have loved to have hosted, but didn't hear about Fashion Fest (previously Expo) until late May.

I'll be premiering the pink version of my Pretty Woman Polo Ensemble I've been holding onto for several weeks just for this event! It will be one of the RFL vendor items as well.

I'll have several new items to premier at this show including some casual summer items in vintage style as well as a few fun nautical and tropical floral patterns to show off. Most exciting is that I'll be premiering a Lagerfeld dress just for this show! Given time, I'll update the blog with pics!

1 comment:

  1. **CORRECTION**: This Fashion fest event is NOT organized by the same people who did it the previous two years. They have nothing to do with eachother. Just want to make that clear to avoid misleading as there have been already enough ;)
